This 365 will be only on B&W Fuji Instax Square film (because of $$$, but I would love to make it on Polaroid) and taken with my SQ10. So I won't be tagging camera, only location. I'll use the same camera the whole year for this.
And this is a photo of my film fridge with a lot of film I have to use for all purposes this year. It's a shame it's getting old inside a fridge.
The problem is I don't get enough motivation to use it in Buenos Aires. Beyond the Instax I'll be using for this project, I don't want to use the rest of it with anyone or anywhere. Specially the rare (and expensive) stock.
I'm really sick and tired of many of the people I know here. I'll try to use as much as I can on trips or finding new humans worth of it.
Visual diary. One photo each day taken ON THE SAME DAY.